Adding a New Document
Step #1
Title: Click here to add new "Documents" to your system.
Step Type: Balloon
Text: The Documents module is where all your SOPs/files can be stored and revised.
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Step #2
Title: Click here to create a new "Document".
Step Type: Balloon
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Step #3
Title: Click here to add an "Approval Matrix"
Step Type: Balloon
Text: In order for the training matrix to take effect immediately, it is best practice to select it here and not after the document is created.
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Step #4
Title: Enter Document Author
Step Type: Balloon
Text: Note: This is different from Document Owners. Document Author: the creator/author of the documen. Document Owners: people who can track the progress and changes made to the document.
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Step #5
Title: Click here to add a "Parent Document"
Step Type: Balloon
Text: If you would like to link this document to another one, you can associate it to the parent document here. For example, if you are adding a work instruction that is tied to a specific SOP.
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Step #6
Title: Enter the "Document Name".
Step Type: Balloon
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Step #7
Title: Select the "Document Type".
Step Type: Balloon
Text: Some users associate the function of the document here, examples include: training, compliance, procedures, etc.
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Step #8
Title: Note:
Step Type: Balloon
Text: You can also click "Add New" to create a new "Document Type". This will navigate away from this page though, so be sure to save your work before doing so.
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Step #9
Title: Select the "Department" associated with this document (Optional).
Step Type: Balloon
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Step #10
Title: Click here to add "Document Owners".
Step Type: Balloon
Text: These will be users that are notified when changes are made to the document, and also the ones that will approve any actions associated with it. Admin/Manager/Production Users can be assigned as Document Owners.
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Step #11
Title: Click here to create "Document".
Step Type: Balloon
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Step #12
Title: This is the stage of approval your document is in.
Step Type: Balloon
Text: There are four stages of approval for documents in your system: First is the approval of the person uploading the "Initial Draft". Second is the approval for the "Final Draft”. If in the second stage, the document is not approved - the document will continue to the "Not Effective" stage where revisions will be made until it is approved. Once the document has been revised and approved by all owners, it will move to the final "Effective" stage and will circulate with users assigned tasks linked to it. Note: An action item will be created automatically for each stage of the document as the user adds their approval the action items will be checked off automatically.
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Step #13
Title: Click here to select whether or not the document is being edited.
Step Type: Balloon
Text: Clicking yes will inhibit other users from editing the document until you are done.
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Step #14
Title: Review the Approval Matrix
Step Type: Balloon