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Adding a New Document

Step #1

Title:​​ Click here to add new "Documents" to your system.


Step Type:​​ Balloon

Text:​​ The Documents module is where all your SOPs/files can be stored and revised.




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Step #2

Title:​​ Click here to create a new "Document".


Step Type:​​ Balloon




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Step #3

Title:​​ Click here to add an "Approval Matrix"


Step Type:​​ Balloon

Text:​​ In order for the training matrix to take effect immediately, it is best practice to select it here and not after the document is created.


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Step #4

Title:​​ Enter Document Author


Step Type:​​ Balloon

Text:​​ Note: This is different from Document Owners. Document Author: the creator/author of the documen. Document Owners: people who can track the progress and changes made to the document.



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Step #5

Title:​​ Click here to add a "Parent Document"


Step Type:​​ Balloon

Text:​​ If you would like to link this document to another one, you can associate it to the parent document here. For example, if you are adding a work instruction that is tied to a specific SOP.


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Step #6

Title:​​ Enter the "Document Name".


Step Type:​​ Balloon




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Step #7

Title:​​ Select the "Document Type".


Step Type:​​ Balloon

Text:​​ Some users associate the function of the document here, examples include: training, compliance, procedures, etc.



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Step #8

Title:​​ Note:


Step Type:​​ Balloon

Text:​​ You can also click "Add New" to create a new "Document Type". This will navigate away from this page though, so be sure to save your work before doing so.



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Step #9

 ​​​​ Title:​​ Select the "Department" associated with this document (Optional).


Step Type:​​ Balloon




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Step #10

Title:​​ Click here to add "Document Owners".


Step Type:​​ Balloon

Text:​​ These will be users that are notified when changes are made to the document, and also the ones that will approve any actions associated with it. Admin/Manager/Production Users can be assigned as Document​​ Owners.


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Step #11

Title:​​ Click here to create "Document".


Step Type:​​ Balloon




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Step #12

Title:​​ This is the stage of approval your document is in.


Step Type:​​ Balloon

Text:​​ There are four stages of approval for documents in your system: First is the approval of the person uploading the "Initial Draft". Second is the approval for the "Final Draft”. If in the second stage, the document is not approved - the document will continue to the "Not Effective" stage where revisions will be made until it is approved. Once the document has been revised​​ and approved by all owners, it will move to the final "Effective" stage and will circulate with users assigned tasks linked to it. Note: An action item will be created automatically for each stage of the document as the user adds their approval the action​​ items will be checked off automatically.



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Step #13

Title:​​ Click here to select whether or not the document​​ is being edited.


Step Type:​​ Balloon

Text:​​ Clicking yes will inhibit other users from editing the document until you are done.




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Step #14

Title:​​ Review the Approval Matrix


Step Type:​​ Balloon