Create New Page
These are the definitions of some items you will find one the create new tab of each module:
Order: Links a work order to the inspection. This will populate the part/item or activity list with those that have been identified in the order.
Department- allows the user to create a relationship with a department ( list located in document module). Eg: Grow room 1, Lab, etc.
Part/Item or Activity: identifies what you would like to run an inspection on.
Lot Serial#: This is a very important element. The user will identify what lot # this inspection should be associated to. This will help link this inspection to the master file in the batch look up tool located in the inventory manager.
Sample Size: Identifies the number of inspection samples the user would like to start with. More samples can be added in the inspection.
Acceptance Ratio- The default acceptance ratio for this part/item or activity that was setup up in part / activity manager. The default value can be overridden here. For example: if the acceptance ratio is set for 75%. If 4 of the 5 samples pass, then the inspection will show as passed. But if in the same inspection, 3 of the samples pass, then the inspection will show as failed and prompt the users to create and CAPA.
Template: Identifies the approved template to be used for this inspection.
Create Batch Record: Allows the user to create a batch record using the B.O.M setup in the part / activity manager.
Individual Sample Batch Records: Yes-each sample in the inspection will have its own batch record. ( you would want this is you were adding additives and consumables at multiple stages of an activity. Each sample would represent an individual event in the inspection). NO- This will give the whole inspection one batch record regardless of the number of samples/ events in the inspection. The no option is typically used when a users is creating finished product or inspecting products.