Inspections Manager
Purpose: The inspections manager is used to organize and initiate inspections from within the production line. This will include item/part inspections as well as activity inspections.
Note: Receiving inspections have their own module because they are initiated by items coming into the production line rather than being produced to leave.
Create New: Allows the users to create a new part/item or activity inspection.
Order: Links a work order to the inspection in the inspections manager. This will populate the part/item or activity list with those that have been identified in the order.
Department: Allows the user to create a relationship with a department (list located in document module). Eg: Grow room 1, Lab, etc.
Part/Item or Activity: Identifies what you would like to run an inspection on.
Lot Serial#: This is a very important element. The user will identify what lot # this inspection should be associated to. This will help link this inspection to the master file in the batch look up tool located in the inventory manager.
Sample Size: Identifies the number of inspection samples the user would like to start with. More samples can be added in the inspection.
Acceptance Ratio: The default acceptance ratio for this part/item or activity that was setup up in part/activity manager. The default value can be overridden here. For example: if the acceptance ratio is set for 75%. If 4 of the 5 samples pass, then the inspection will show as passed. But if in the same inspection, 3 of the samples pass, then the inspection will show as failed and prompt the users to create and CAPA.
Template: Identifies the approved template to be used for this inspection.
Create Batch Record: Allows the user to create a batch record using the B.O.M setup in the part/activity manager.
Individual Sample Batch Records:
YES = Allows each sample in the inspection to have its own batch record. This is necessary if you were adding additives and consumables at multiple stages of an activity. Each sample would represent an individual event in the inspection).
NO = This will give the whole inspection one batch record regardless of the number of samples/events in the inspection. The no option is typically used when a users is creating finished product or inspecting products.