Quality management architecture (QMA) is the way you organize your quality management system. QMA helps you to gain better control over your processes and to identify areas for improvement. This article provides a complete guide to quality management architectures, covering their purpose, characteristics, levels, and content.
Purpose of quality management architecture (QMA)
Quality management architecture (QMA) is a way to organize your quality management system. It provides a framework for organizing your quality management system and making sure that you are doing the right things at the right time, in the right order, with minimal rework and waste. QMA can be used both to develop new products or services and to improve existing ones.
Characteristics of quality management architecture
Quality management architecture (QMA) is a structured approach to designing, implementing, and managing a quality management system. It’s not the same as quality assurance or quality control – it’s a way of organizing your QMS so you can gain better control over both the process and results of your projects.
QMA is an architecture, not a process or procedure; it looks at how all aspects of your QMS interact with each other in order to deliver consistent results every time.
The levels in quality management architecture
The quality management architecture is a way to organize your quality management system to gain better control. It’s not just a series of tools, it’s a structured approach that provides you with clear direction and helps you make important decisions.
The levels in QMA include:
Level 1:
Awareness of the need for quality. This level involves understanding why quality management is important and what it means for your organization.
At this level, you will also have to finalize all the stakeholders relevant to quality management including the leadership team, managers, and executives. You also need to finalize the related processes, i.e. processes that will impact the quality of the end product. At this stage, you also need to figure out related compliance, i.e. ISO 9001.
Level 2:
Basic elements of quality management are in place but they aren’t integrated into broader processes or activities within the organization yet. At this level, you should have defined goals and objectives, and key performance indicators (KPIs) that will help measure progress toward these goals.
Assign responsibilities for each stakeholder for carrying out actions on behalf of these KPIs—and then put all these things into writing so everyone knows what needs doing! You also have to decide code of conduct for the quality management process.
After freeing all these details, you will be able to narrow down the scope of the quality management process. One of the common mistakes most people do, they keep all this information in a decentralized fashion. All these details should be documented properly and should be kept in a central repository.
Level 3:
This is the last leg of the quality management architecture. At this level, you will have to detail everything.
So starting from routine services and projects (training, quality planning, etc) to records and reports (Inspection reports, Audit records), compliance requirements (what are the requirements as per ISO 9001:2015, FDA, etc) to the analysis of the economical aspect (what will be the cost of a QMS, the penalty of any failure, etc), you will have to detail out everything.
Once all these are done, we would encourage you to go for quality management software. There are many companies that manage quality management manually, but we recommend software. If you think of the long run (which as a business you should), this will help you save a lot of money. And the last step of level 3 would be going live.
Quality management architecture is a way to organize your quality management system to gain better control.
Quality management architecture (QMA) is a way of organizing your quality management system to gain better control. You can use it to:
- Create a shared language for quality assurance throughout your organization. This helps people communicate about their work and will make it easier for everyone to understand the purpose of each step in the process.
- Identify gaps in your current culture and make improvements as needed. For example, if your team has trouble communicating with each other or working together, QMA requires you all to sit down together regularly so that these issues can be addressed early on before they become bigger problems later down the line.
There are many ways to organize a quality management system. Some organizations choose to use the quality management architecture model and others choose another model. The important thing is that you find the model that works best for your organization and then commit yourself to use it consistently in all aspects of your business. If you do this, then you will be able to improve the quality of your products or services while reducing waste and costs at the same time!
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