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Upload Your Users

Use our users template to create logins for the people in your organization who will be using this software.

Download Users Upload Template

For a required field (one indicated by a “*”) where there is no content available, use a dash (“-“) to leave empty.  Please ensure there are no blank rows in your submission.

Name - Upload Users - Quality Management Software

Name: The user’s name

eMail - Upload Users - Quality Management Software

Email: The user’s email

Password - Upload Users - Quality Management Software

Password: The user’s password

Phone - Upload Users - Quality Management Software

Phone: The user’s phone number

Active - Upload Users - Quality Management Software

Is_active: write 1 if the user is going to be actively using the software, write 2 if the user is no longer planning to use the software or has left the company.

Notes - Upload Users - Quality Management Software

Notes: include any notes about this user, keep in mind this information is accessible by other users.