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Adding A New Training Program

Here’s how Isolocity’s HR training software lets you design new employee programs.

Step #1

Click here to access “Human Resources”.

design training programs HR training software

Step #2

Click “Training Programs”.

design training programs menu HR training software

Step #3

Click “Create Create Training Program”.

create training programs menu HR training software

Step #4

Select the format for the Program.

checklist training programs menu HR training software

Step #5

Select the “Status” of this program.

test training programs menu HR training software

Step #6

Enter a “Title” for the program.

title training programs menu HR training software

Step #7

Select the Training Type.

type training programs menu HR training software

Step #8

Enter the description.

description training programs menu HR training software

Step #9

Drag the files here to upload training materials.

training programs materials HR training software

Step #10

Select the test to be included to this training program.

training programs test material HR training software

Step #11

Drag the “Form Elements” to the left to create the Program Checklist

Step #12

Click “Edit Test” to open the test in Test Builder (optional)

Step #13


Step #14

Hover over each element in your form and click edit to customize them.

Step #15

Click here to create the training program.