Isolocity is the complete life science qms for ISO 13485, MDSAP & GxP
Isolocity life science qms offers in-house life science compliance standard experts, full-support & training with certification roadmap, scalable software with customizable UI, stress-free audits & certification, secure cloud infrastructure, and smart system-wide automations for medical device, pharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals, and natural health products
Isolocity life science qms is compliant with FDA 21 CFR Part 11 and Annex 11
Built for the
Life ScienceIndustry
- Pharmaceutical: House documents in Isolocity life science qms; set up approval, view, and edit permissions. Documents are revision-controlled, and you can view past document revisions.
- Natural Health: Create an out-of-specification report for a product by lot/batch; record investigation actions and results
- Escalate to CAPA, non-conformance, deviation, and change control
- Identify whether a recall was required as a result
- Lab: Create a maintenance schedule for your equipment by adding the template to the equipment and assigning a frequency. Owners will be notified when maintenance is due. All activities are documented in Isolocity.
- Medical Device: Ensure supplier performance is acceptable and meets requirements. Maintain supplier certificates and other documents in the supplier’s profile in Isolocity. Send suppliers a request to upload their updated certificates and documents directly into their Isolocity profile.
We provide support based on the
needs of the Life Science Industry
Privacy is a big concern for Life Science companies
Our Solution: We own every line of code in our software, giving us better control. Also, we work with AWS which is known for one of the best security measures. Isolocity is also SOC 2 Type II compliant.
Affordability quotient of Isolocity
Our solution: We are known for being one of the most affordable solutions. We offer free SOPs, Training, and Implementation hours. All basic users are also free. Our solution can reduce your overhead by 70%. We don’t charge any activation fees.
Data lies on all different platforms
We know Life Science companies use a lot of software and platforms and decentralized reports are a challenge. To make your life easier, Isolocity’s API allows you to bring all data to one place. For example, if you conduct technological inspections with your IoT-enabled inspection software, you can integrate that with Isolocity and have your inspection report generated automatically in Isolocity.