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Getting Started

Upload Your Contacts

Use our contact template to include all your contacts in the system at once.

Download Users Mass Upload Template

For a required field (one indicated by a “*”) where there is no content available, use a dash (“-“) to leave empty.  Please ensure there are no blank rows in your submission.


Name: Name of the Company

Type - Upload Contacts - Quality Management Software

Type: Either Customer or Supplier, no other text is accepted in this field

Primary Name - Upload Contacts - Quality Management Software

Primary_name: The name of the primary contact at the company

Primary eMail - Upload Contacts - Quality Management Software

Primary_email: The email address of the primary contact at the company

Primary Phone - Upload Contacts - Quality Management Software

Primary_phone: The phone number of the primary contact at the company

Primary Position - Upload Contacts - Quality Management Software

Primary_position: The job title of the primary contact at the company

Secondaries - Upload Contacts - Quality Management Software

Secondary Fields: similar to the primary fields, except for an optional secondary contact at the company

Notes - Upload Contacts - Quality Management Software

Notes: any miscellaneous notes you would like to keep on record about this client.




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Create Part Inspection

Using the menu on the left-hand side:

Navigate to “Inspection”

Click “Create New Inspection”

Choose the order, the part for which you want to create the part inspection and sample size before clicking “Create Inspection”.

Your part inspection template is automatically created and is ready to be filled out by the part inspector.  The part inspector can access this at any time by clicking on parts inspection in the menu.

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Create Work Order

Using the menu on the left-hand side:

Create Work Order - Menu - Quality Management Software

Click on “Orders”

Click “Create New Order”

Fill out your order info and add all parts included in the order.  Leave “Actual Ship Date” blank.

You have two options when completing the “Customer PO #” field.

  1. Leave blank: Uses the format of the last order placed and counts up (if this is the first order, the system defaults to 1)
  2. Write the order number: Overrides the system’s counting. B. If the next order is left blank, it will follow this format and count from this numerical value.

You also have the option to override the order start number in the “Company Settings” Link in the top right menu (where your name appears).

Click the checkbox to save each part in the order.  Once all the parts have been added click “Create Order” in the bottom right corner.

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Create Part Characteristics

Using the menu on the left-hand side:

Select “Inspection Criteria”

Click “Create New Inspection Criteria”

Fill out your drawing information and drag any associated files, including your design specs, into this box.

Create a template for your part’s characteristics (you can scroll to see all fields by clicking on the grey arrows below the blanks).  This will be the framework for your part inspection forms.

  • Characteristic: side, colour, weight, etc.
  • Operations (when in the process to do inspection): cutting, milling, sawing, etc.
  • Nominal dimensions: cm, kg, psi, etc.
  • Tolerance: how closely the item needs to match specification in order to pass inspection
  • Inspection Method (optional for all except aerospace): choose the inspection method from your existing equipment list
  • Equipment: specify the equipment used to create this characteristic from your existing equipment list. (this is optional)

When you are finished creating the characteristic, click on the checkmark to save it.

To create a pass/fail characteristic, click on the “Pass/Fail button in the tolerance column.  Select “Text Input” in this column to allow the inspector to type an inspection result.

Once the drawing has been approved internally, select the drawing from your list of drawings.

Click on the “approve” link and click the save button.

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Upload Your Parts, Products, or Services

Use our parts template to upload the records for the parts, products, or services that you sell.

Download Parts Mass Upload Template

For a required field (one indicated by a “*”) where there is no content available, use a dash (“-“) to leave empty.  Please ensure there are no blank rows in your submission.

Name - Upload Parts - Quality Management Software

Name: The name of your part

ID - Upload Parts - Quality Management Software

Identification: the identification number you assign to your part

Active - Upload Parts - Quality Management Software

Is_active: Write “Active” for a part that is actively being ordered or “Inactive” for a part that is not being actively ordered

Notes - Upload Parts - Quality Management Software

Notes: Any notes you want to make with regards to the part

Supplier - Upload Parts - Quality Management Software

Supplier_id: The name of the supplier exactly how you’ve written it in the contacts upload (or as you wrote it when adding the contact to your account)

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Upload Your Users

Use our users template to create logins for the people in your organization who will be using this software.

Download Users Upload Template

For a required field (one indicated by a “*”) where there is no content available, use a dash (“-“) to leave empty.  Please ensure there are no blank rows in your submission.

Name - Upload Users - Quality Management Software

Name: The user’s name

eMail - Upload Users - Quality Management Software

Email: The user’s email

Password - Upload Users - Quality Management Software

Password: The user’s password

Phone - Upload Users - Quality Management Software

Phone: The user’s phone number

Active - Upload Users - Quality Management Software

Is_active: write 1 if the user is going to be actively using the software, write 2 if the user is no longer planning to use the software or has left the company.

Notes - Upload Users - Quality Management Software

Notes: include any notes about this user, keep in mind this information is accessible by other users.

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Submit Mass Upload Documents

Send your saved documents to your rep and wait for confirmation of their upload

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Create Error Codes

Using the menu on the left-hand side:


Click on the corrective action module.

Click “create new corrective action report”

Click the drop down beside the “Error Code” field and click “+ Add New”

Fill out the error code information and click “Create Error Code”

The screen will return to the corrective action template, continue to add new error codes in the same manner until your complete list of error codes has been logged in Isolocity.

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Add Calibration Tools

This step is optional for all applicable certifications excepting Aerospace for which this step is mandatory.

Using the menu on the left-hand side:

Click on the “Equipment” sub-menu and then click on “Calibration Manager”.

Click “Create New Calibration”

Click “Create Equipment”

Continue adding calibration tools until your entire calibration inventory has been loaded into Isolocity.

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Add Equipment List

This step is optional for all applicable certifications excepting Aerospace for which this step is mandatory.

Using the menu on the left-hand side:

Click on “Equipment” in your menu and then click on the “Equipment Manager” tab that appears.

Click “Create New Equipment”

First create your equipment types by clicking the equipment type arrow and clicking “+Add New”

Add Equipment List - Create Equipment Type - Quality Management Software

Name your equipment type and choose how frequently they should be reported on (inspected, calibrated, etc.).  The frequency will determine when Isolocity adds report completion to your action items.  Click “Create Equipment Type” When finished.

Examples of names would be Lathes, Saws, Ovens, Coffee Makers (where your Equipment names for the “Lathes” group might then be lathe #1, lathe #2, etc.).

Complete your equipment information and click create equipment.

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Edit Equipment Types

This step is for edits you may want to make to equipment types, or if you want to add a maintenance frequency to a calibration tool.

Using the menu on the left-hand side:

Click on “Equipment” to reveal the sub-menu, and then click on “Equipment Manager”.

Click on “Manage Equipment Types” in the bottom-left corner.

Click on “Create New Equipment Type” to add a new equipment type or click on an existing equipment type to update it.

Once you’ve finished creating or updating your equipment type, click “Save Equipment Type”.

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Create Equipment Report

Using the menu on the left-hand side:

Click on “Equipment” in the menu to reveal the sub-menu and then click on the “Equipment Reports” tab.

Click “Create New Equipment Report”.

Select the drop down under the “Report Template” field and click “+ Add New”

Create Equipment Report - Create Report Template 1 - Quality Management Software

Fill out the report information and begin by dragging and dropping the type(s) of inputs you would like in your form.  In this example, the “Checkbox Group” has been added to the form.

Create Equipment Report - Create Report Template 2 - Quality Management Software

Change the items in the form element to customize your report.

Continue to add fields until you are satisfied with your report and click “Add Report Template”, then click the “X” to return to the equipment report page.

Fill out your report information and click “Add Report”.

This will now appear in your action items when your lathe maintenance comes due.  In this case, Nov 6, 2016.

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Using The Software

Quality Planning: Create A New Action Item

“Action Items” can be found in the navigation pane to the left under “Planning Reports”. Once you click on the page title, you will be taken to a module where you where new “Action Items” will populate as they are created. You can optimize your quality planning by creating a new action item and clicking the “Create New Action Item” button on the right-hand side.

Once you click the button, you will be taken to a page where you can fill out all the necessary information for your quality planning. This includes the due date, priority, and user the task is assigned to. In addition, you will also be able to upload relevant documents that the user can view. To finalize the decision, you can then click “Create Action Item”. An email will be sent to you and the assignee once the action has been integrated, it will also be documented in the “Notifications” page.

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Adding A Single New User

Please note that depending on your contract with us, adding a new user may incur additional costs to your subscription.

Click on “User Manager” in the menu.

Click “Create New User”

Fill out the user’s information and click “Create User”.  This will initiate an email to the user to set up their account.



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Supply Chain Management

Supply Chain Management Quality Management Software

To enter the supply chain management portal, click on the “Suppliers” menu in the left-side navigation pane to see the new sub-menu appear. Then click on “Supplier Management”.

You can manage the supply chain by editing existing contacts or add a new contact by clicking the “Create New Supplier” button.

Supply Chain Management Quality Management Software

A new form will appear where you can fill out contact information and roles assigned to the supplier. Additional information such as the upload of a certificate (including its expiry date) and quality procedures can be inserted here as well. An email notification will then be sent out to confirm your action once you click “Create Supplier”. The supplier will also receive a similar email that will prompt them to complete any additional information required in the “Supplier Portal”.

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Supply Chain Management For Supplier

Once you receive the email notification from ISOlocity regarding your addition as a new supplier in our client’s supply chain management system and are ready to upload additional supplier information, you can click on the “Upload Certificate” link.

















You will then be taken to the “Supplier Portal” where important documents and certificate files related to the supply chain can be uploaded for review. You can also enter any additional information that may be of value to the client.

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Supply Chain Management: Receiving Inspections

Supply Chain Management Receiving Inspections Quality Management Software

Under the Suppliers menu, click on the “Receiving Inspections” sub-menu to create a new receiving inspection.

Click on “New Receiving Inspection”.

Fill out the information and click “Create Receiving Inspection”.

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HR Management

The “Human Resources” module can be accessed from the main menu under the section “Users and Teams”. Once you click on it a new sub-menu will appear where you can manage various aspects of your human resources such as employee records, groups, training programming, and progress.

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HR Management: Adding An Employee

You can add an employee to your system by clicking on the “Employee Manager” tab on the left navigation. There you will be taken to the “Employee Manager” page where you can create and employee record by clicking on “Create New Employee”.

Employee information such as name, position, and contact in addition to review periods can be entered here before clicking on the “Create Employee” button to save the record. You can even add details such as a profile picture and group employees into specified “Employee Groups” as well.

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HR Management: Adding An Employee Group

You can organize specific groups of employees by navigating to the “Employee Groups” section of the left navigation. Once you are in the employee groups page, you can then create a new group by clicking on one of the “Create New Employee Group” buttons.

Once you have arrived on the “Create Employee Group” page, you can input a group name and set up a review timeline for the group.

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HR Management: Adding A Training Program

To create a new training program, navigate to the “Training Programs” tab in the left side toolbar. Once you have arrived on that page click on either one of the “Create New Training Program” buttons.

Here you can then title and categorize your training program in addition to adding specific information to it. You can also upload documents and customize your “Program Checklist” via a variety of custom fields such as checkboxes and date/time elements. When you are done devising the training program click “Create Training Program”.

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HR Management: Adding a Training Activity

To add a new training activity, click on the “Training Activities” submenu under “Human Resources” in the left side navigation. Once you are in the Training Activity module click on the green button on the left-hand side labelled “Create New Training Activity”.

Here you can then input information such as activity guidelines, frequency, start/end dates in addition to uploading relevant files for trainers/trainees. You can select a Training Program as well as Employee Group to assign activities to before clicking the “Create Training Activity” button to save your changes.

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Inventory Management: Adding Parts to Running Inventory

First click on the “Shipping & Receiving” module in the left side menu. Once the sub-menu is revealed click on “Receiving Inspections”. Then click on “Create New Receiving Inspection” to add parts to the inventory.

You can then fill out the details of the inventory to be added into the system and choose whether to activate the new batch number associated with parts going into production. There will be a reminder for you before closing to let you know that completing this inspection will recalculate inventory levels upon saving.

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Inventory Management: Subtracting Items from Inventory

Access the “Shipments” sub-menu by clicking on the “Shipping & Receiving” label in the left side navigation. Click on the “Create New Shipment”.

Choose order, ship date, purchase order number, the part and how many of the product is shipped. You can choose parts via the drop-down menu below list of parts. A notification will show below the quantity selected to show how many of each part is still available. Click “Create Shipment” to confirm items to be removed from running inventory.

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Inventory Management: Editing the Bill of Materials

You can manage active and inactive parts and materials by accessing the “Part Manager” module via the left side menu. Then click on the item that you would like to edit the “Bill of Materials” for. You can search for a part via the search bar at the top. Note: For a part to show up in the “Bill of Materials” the part must be shown as “Active” in the “Part Manager”.

Once you’ve clicked on the item, you can scroll down to see the “Bill of Materials” drop down menu to find parts that you would like to add.

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Inventory Management: Monitoring Inventory Levels

After logging into Isolocity. You are brought to the dashboard which gives you the overview of all processes in your system. You can access inventory levels by scrolling to the “Inventory Levels” chart. Here you can see usage and inventory levels over time. You can look at seasonal trends and forecast usage of raw material how much finished product they are selling at any given time of year.

Alternatively, you can also access inventory levels via the “Inventory Manager” which can be accessed by clicking on the “Inventory Manager” tab in the navigation. Here you can see and overview what is out of stock, how many are needed and what the reorder point is right on the first page.

For details on these numbers and any running history you can click on the individual items. Information such as what has happened with this part, raw material, or finished part in addition to what is out of stock and still available.

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Inventory Management: Lot & Batch Traceability

You can access batch numbers and records via the “Inspection” module. Individual inspections will be listed here and can be accessed for more details by clicking on them.

Once inside the inspection click on the “Batch Records” drop down menu. Note: Only items identified in the “Bill of Materials” for the product will show in batch records.

Here you can edit batch numbers and remove materials that are not used.

You can also activate new batches (and deactivate old batches) to ensure the material can be traced back to its origin easily.

You can add batch records but clicking on the prompt below the records already in use.

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Inventory Management: Lot & Batch Traceability in New Orders

Click on the “Orders” module in the left side navigation to access the order dashboard. Once here, click on the “Create New Order” button on the right-hand side.

Once you are inside the order form area and have added information such as customer name, customer PO#, order date etc. the available parts should appear in the drop-down menu below the parts list. Once the part is added to your list the system will give you notification of how much of it is left and how many are needed.

If there are insufficient materials, a red exclamation mark will appear beside the quantity levels. When you hover over that icon inventory details of the part will appear so you can decide whether to resolve the issue or remove the part and use another one instead.

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Quality Planning: Create Planning Reports

Create Planning Reports Menu Quality Management Software

The quality planning section can be found by clicking on “Planning Reports” in the menu.

Here, you can begin quality planning by clicking on “Create New Planning Report”.

Complete the information fields associated with the planning report and choose the planning type from the drop-down.

Create Planning Reports Create Resources and Action Plan Quality Management Software

Create resources and action plan for completing this item.  Leave the completion dates blank until the action has been completed.

Create Planning Reports Evaluation of Effectiveness of Plan Quality Management Software

Choose criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of your project quality management plan and assign an owner.  Click “Create Planning Report” to save the report.

Reminders will appear in your action items when items in this report become due.  Once the process has completed, assess the effectiveness of the plan to close it.

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Quality Planning: Notifications

Quality Planning Notifications Bell Quality Management Software

To improve your project’s quality management, “Notifications” have been added to keep your team on top of updates in the system. The “Notifications” bell on the top right corner beside your user name accumulates as the tasks and processes in your system require your attention. You can click the small bell icon to view more detailed information about each notification.

Once you access the “Notification” portal, you can view details on notifications by clicking on them or to mark as read if the corresponding tasks have already been completed.

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Complete Part Inspection

This portion if for the part inspector to complete on the shop floor.

Using the menu on the left-hand side:

Click on “Inspection”

Click on the order for which you are doing the part inspection

Fill out the inspection results for each part.

Once the inspection is completed, click “Save”.

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Create Corrective Action Reports From Failed Part Inspection

Ensure the part inspection is saved before navigating away from the page.

Create Corrective Action Report From Failed Part Inspection - Quality Management Software

When a corrective action report is initiated from a failed part inspection, some of the fields in the report will appear pre-filled.

See “Complete Corrective Action Report” for remaining instructions.

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Create Corrective Action Reports From Scratch

Using the menu on the left-hand side:

Create Corrective Action Report From Scratch - Menu - Quality Management Software

Click on “Corrective Action”

Click “Create New Corrective Action Report”.

See “Complete Corrective Action Report” for remaining instructions.

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Complete Corrective Action Reports

Fill out the vital information for the CAR (Corrective Action Report).  The CAR can be saved at any point and completed at a later time and by another user.

Create Corrective Action Reports Root Cause and Preventive Action Details Quality Management Software

Determine root cause and preventative action details.

Create Corrective Action Reports Verification of the Preventive Action Quality Management Software

Apply a due date for the verification of the preventative action, and if desired, costs associated to the error.

Click “Create Corrective Action” to save the report at any time.

A reminder to complete the CAR will appear in your action items when the preventative action and verification are due.

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Adding A single New Contact

Although we provide a mass upload option for adding contacts, you will start adding single contacts as you connect with them after you start using Isolocity.

Adding A Single New Contact Quality Management Software

Depending on what type of contact you are adding, click on “Customers” or “Suppliers” in your menu.

Click “Create New Supplier” or “Create New Customer”

Fill out the contact information and click “Create Supplier” or “Create Customer”

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Document Manager

Document Manager Quality Management Software

Click “Document Manager” in the menu.

Click “Create New Document”

Fill out your document’s information, upload the document, and click “Save Document”.

The document can now be accessed in the Document Manager.

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Adding A Single New Part

Although we provide a mass upload option for adding parts, you will start adding single parts after you start using Isolocity.

Adding A Single New Part Quality Management Software

Click on “Part Manager” in your menu.

Click “Create New Part”.

Fill out your part information and click “Create Part”.

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